Day 2 of losing my fishing rod
Sigh.. Today marks the second day i lost my Shimano Fishing reel and keith's blue rod. Hope of getting it back is super slim. Unless miracle happen.
Anyway, My baby complain i didnt care for her hermit crab, because i gave my hermit crab new home. She said that her hermit crab has grown larger so it needs a new home (Shell). Actually hermit crab grow larger when they go for molting process. So this morning i collect all the shell from my backyard that my mom left it there for many years. I think i got around 40 shell there. I carefully select those shell that doesn't have many cavity on them and took them to wash. I carefully wash them. i brush, i scrub and i rise them till it was so so clean. Finally put them to dry.
I just pass some of the shells to bibi. Hope that her hermit crab likes them.
Oh no is raining heavily outside now!!!!!!!!
Oh sometimes stupid happen today.
I had dilemma about going to class today. Finally i decided to go and when i reach there.. guess wat? the class is cancel. Sob sob..
Now i'm at bibi's Uni and using her laptop to write this blog.
Ok la.. i better end here.
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