Friday, April 14, 2006

Poor Boy

I was going from bank to bank to do bank-in(s) for my boss and it was raining outside (My boss has perpetual bill to pay in every bank account. Well, that's my boss..)

One particular bank in Uptown which is Ambank has never failed without a salesman outside the doorstep. As i walk towards the bank, the salesman (a boy) trying to sell his product to me. he was almost begging me to buy. i still recall his words: "Sir, take a look at this sir.. please sir. Just try once". I kindly decline his offer and i felt pity to him though. So when i settle one of my bank-in. i was on the rush because it was raining like cats and dogs. When i came out from Ambank, the boy ask me again. (i decline and pity him again).

Suddenly my mind whisper to me saying "Life is tough". Well i agree with that statement.

And as i went on to another bank, i was still pondering about that boy. I have come to conclusion that the boy must accept more failure so that he can grow (though too much rejects will affect his confidents to sell). Being a sales person, he has to be strong and able to receive rejects from customers. Begging customer doesn't bring him to excellent sales but only pity sales from customers. So he has to learn new way of getting sales

By the way, if i had money, i would buy for him. Not because i want the product but i pity him.

Well, Life is tough!!


At 5:37 PM, Blogger Chasing-Rainbows said...

Well..that is so kind of u..
but there's a lot of ppl trying to cheat our money..
Dont ever trust a STRANGER!

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Rong Feng@Nelson said...

True True...

Shall beware of strangers intention

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Rong Feng@Nelson said...

i will never lose again in acquire


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